Lyon Festival of Lights
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Do not miss the most important event of Lyon: Lyon Festival of Lights from 6th to December 9th!
Thursday, 5th and sunday, 8th : 7pm-11pm (less crowded days), Friday, 6th and saturday 7th : 8pm – midnight.

A bit of history:
First of all, Lyon Festival of Lights is a religious celebration. It is the celebration of the Immaculate Conception also called Illuminations or even Virgin Mary celebration. In 1989, with the city of Lyon’s initiative, it becomes a popular and artistic event that exposes famous sites in Lyon with light games, video achievments, visual and hearing sensations.
This year, the city spreads 65 installations with lights, lasers, performing arts, video mapping and more, in 35 areas all over the Presqu’Île, Lyon Old Town, Terreaux Square and Parc de la Tête d’Or area.

speak French
ask the recipe of hot wine “vin chaud” (it can change from a stall to another) 😉
Do as a Lyonnais would !
This year, December,8th is also the last day of festival of lights (a sunday). You will be able to appreciate the famous lumignons in a less crowded environment. But not only : an installation will unveil only this particular night, evocating the original tradition that of December 8th !
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