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5 tips to meet French people

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While in Lyon…

Speak French with local people !

Do you study French in Lyon? Meeting French people is part of the “learning French in France” experience as it gives you the opportunity to speak French and learn more about the French way of life ! We know it is not always easy so here are 5 tips to help you make the first step…

speak french with french people


ESNCOSMOLYON is an organisation aiming at welcoming international students. To do so, they created the BuddySystem. Register on the online platform to find a buddy who will help you, guide you in the city and may introduce you to French friends.


Meetup is a free and participative online platform that help people gather people around an activity or a hobby such as yoga, sports, culture, nightlife, international drinks, or even hiking outings… Check it out, everyone can easily find someting to do!

Lyon City Greeters

Discover the city in a different way with Lyon City Greeters. Lyon lovers guide you for free around the city in their own way: places, districts, things that they like to do in Lyon…

easy to speak french with locals

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